Sunday, April 5, 2009

The First and the Last

The first week of April is a big week around here.

My baby turned 5.

Wow. I guess I really shouldn't call her a baby anymore. But she just seems so much smaller and younger than the other two at five. School looms just around the corner.

And if that isn't shocking enough to the system...

My first born turned 20 today.

How could that be?

So we had our traditional Birthday dinner. Grandma came down to celebrate (she always makes the birthday trip). Bones picks the meal and Mighty Mouse picks the dessert. So it was chicken souvlaki with tzatziki - a dish my husband ate in the Greek islands and then came home and learned to duplicate. MM picked a strawberry cake with strawberry frosting and vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup. It was good.

We are very low key on birthdays here. MM got 2 small presents from us and Bones got none. I asked if he wanted me to buy him a gift or forgive him one months car insurance since he owes me for two. He took the debt forgiveness. Smart kid.

And a new face at the table this year was Bones girlfriend. Thank goodness this one is his age! I was nervous with all the Baylor girls....older than him (read drinking age). And this one sews.

And before you know it, Songbird's birthday will be here. The big 14. And fall brings High School.

And life just keeps on rollin on.


  1. I'm glad you like the new girlfriend. Twenty seems so old - but mine will be there in two short years.

  2. Happy birthday. My G turns 5 this month too!

  3. Awwww - growing up - so exciting, yet a little sad too. Little M just doesn't understand why MM is five, yet she is taller! :) P.S. I loved being in your sm. group too!

  4. You have quite the spread of ages. Your son sounds smart all right! :)
