Friday, October 8, 2010

Another Girls Gone Wild Weekend

So not what you are thinking.

This weekend I'm off on yet another camping trip. This time it is in a lodge. Should feel like a resort after all the tent and platform camping we have done this summer.

But this will be the first weekend Mrs. M and I will be on our own without Super Camper. The Big Boss. I'm going to count it all good if we make it back with all the girls......

Life is funny.

I never expected to be back into Scouts again. Songbird has pretty much walked away from it due to her schedule with school and extra curriculars.

I didn't expect MM to join as she was painfully shy for so long. And she never struck me as the outdoor/camping type of kid. But I was wrong. She wanted it.

And when there was a need for leaders and I had some training already...well, you know how that goes. I did manage to avoid the Daisy age group, I found myself stepping back into the shoes of a Junior leader. Even though I don't have any children in this age group.

And this council has not made it easy for me. But thats a whole other story.

The real crazy thing about this is I have been camping about 6/7 times since March. (I've actually lost count of the number). More camping than I've done all together in my adult life I think.

And its been a blast.

Because we have been camping with a master camper. Someone that makes it look so easy. Someone who shares her knowledge. Someone who encourages and teaches.

And that is the secret to liking camping. Knowing what you are doing. Because so many things can go wrong.

So wish me luck. I expect it will all be just fine. I don't see how I could be better prepared.

But if I'm wrong....


it will make for good blog fodder.


  1. Have fun! I love camping. Also I was in the Girl Scouts from elementary up until a cadet in high scchool. I hope my daughter wants to do it when she gets old enough. Being a troop leader is one of those things I want to do someday. But not at the daisy age . . .

  2. Have fun! Hope the weather is kind to you and look forward to reading about your adventures...

  3. Sounds like an adventure in the making! Hope you have a successful weekend! :)
