Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Can Somebody Help Me??

Ok - I do most of my blog reading in Google Reader. Its quick and I love it. But sometimes you have to click through to read the whole post or see pictures depending on the bloggers settings. No problem.

But lately about 1/3 of my blogs aren't showing the pictures. I click through to the sites even and still not picture. And other people can see them because there are comments on them.

What is this?

Is anyone else having this problem?

Is there some new setting somewhere I'm not aware of and haven't handled? If so why would be on blogger and reader????

It is totally driving me nuts.

Anybody got a clue???


  1. I've had tons of issues with Blogger, but never this one! Sorry I can't help you out, my friend!

  2. I can't help, I have some blogs who don't show me pictures at all and just text. Ugh, hope you can find a solution soon and maybe let me know too LOL

  3. I can't help, I have some blogs who don't show me pictures at all and just text. Ugh, hope you can find a solution soon and maybe let me know too LOL
