Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hair Flair

Hi! Tricia here. I thought since Autumn is away, I would hijack her blog and do a post.

Remember this? MM asked for bump-its for her birthday, and although she got quite a stash of presents, she didn't get bump-its. They came in the mail later as a gift from Bethy. The girls and I all played around with putting them in MM's hair. As a disclaimer, I am not a hairdresser, but at least we had fun. :)

MM says:
Thanks, Bethy! I love my bump-its!


  1. How cute! Those bumpits make me smile:)

  2. Oh, I am so glad they made it! So cute - of course, it doesn't take anything for her to be cute. Those were one of my Target finds - have to love those half price deals, especially when they make little ones smile!
