Monday, April 5, 2010

Ladybug Madness

So Mighty Mouse's Bday has come and gone.

And I think I'm seeing ladybugs in my sleep even. Not in a good way either.
The requested ladybug cake. Didn't feel like making up the third color so you can't even see her eyelashes and she's missing her cheeks. Hah. Never, ever claimed to be a cake decorator. See Aunt Sara...she needs a Sarandipity cake...not a mommy disaster! LOL!

MM thinks that part of your birthday is making your own birthday cake. Not having someone else do it - she needs to do it. And the funny thing is she doesn't really eat the cake (outside of licking beaters)...she just wants to bake a cake. Talk about an easy Bday activity!
The most kissable lips in town.

The insane loot....
Ladybug glass. No worries T - she immediately took it to her new desk and used it as a pencil holder. Saves my making a call!
Nano's ladybug apron. Thanks Tricia for the fabric....and thanks internet for free sewing tutorials. This is an awesome pattern with a velcro closure she can do herself.
Ladybug petshop thingy. Her only toy.

My children are underprivileged. Toys are not a staple around here.
An ultracool ladybug quilt from Nano.

Aunt Stayce always comes through with the best gifts. A ladybug umbrella and purse. She's stylin' now. My dear sister has no idea how deadly umbrella's are in the hands of this child. Thanks. I think. LOL! Oh - and this got the loudest squeal by far.
The ladybug lunchbox. Huge hit. She actually WANTS to go to school Monday just to use it -- and its Spring Break!

And just to point out what a stellar mom I am.....that stringy hair would be because she washed it herself after I did and didn't get the soap out. And I left it that way.

And Easter pictures?


Didn't take any.

But I am enjoying a visit with mom and the nice weather has FINALLY arrived!!!


  1. Looks like a great birthday! LOVE the apron! And who needs toys when you have an umbrella? My girls got hours of play out of umbrellas at that age. :)

  2. Love all of the ladybug loot! The Tongginator would be in heaven. Glad MM had a great birthday... maybe she needs to hang out with the Tongginator, so that the Tongginator can learn all about appropriate birthday expectations.

  3. That is some serious ladybug stuff! Way to go! :)

  4. She is so cute and I love all the ladybug stuff. Happy Belated birthday to her :)
