Saturday, January 3, 2009

Antiquing in Arkansas

I can't believe it was in the 70's today! I thought I was leaving the warm weather behind when we left Texas. What a great day outside!

So how did I spend this beautiful day? Well, with my mom and Mighty Mouse...driving all over and hitting all those cool little antique places mom always wanted to stop at. After spending the last 6 months as a care-giver, this was a real treat. And I'm always up for antique shopping.

If you can call it shopping. It's more like browsing really -- I never buy anything. And if I do, its something small and inexpensive.

So we stopped at a few places and looked around. Some of the places ended up being the expensive antique places that you go to when you are looking for something specific and pricey. Some were just fun places with booth after booth of STUFF all over the place. And we even stopped at one place that was just creepy. And dirty.

Now, when you are looking at antiques, you expect a certain amount of dust and dirty hands. I mean, this stuff is old, right? It's okay for it to be a bit dusty/dirty. Its (almost) part of the fun. Or should be if you expect to have a good time. BUT, you don't expect filthy. Truely dirty. Crusty dirty. That's just gross.

And pray tell Autumn, what is the difference between dusty and dirty? Well, I'll tell you. By my definition, dusty makes you sneeze. Dirty makes you blow black buggars for a week. Stay away from the dirty!! I'm trying to help you here.


Mighty Mouse was a saint. She put up with it all day with almost no touching and very little whinning. One lady said I must be a great parent.

Nope. That's not it lady. That is pure personality. Could never have done this kind of thing (time wise) with my other two. Personalities would not have allowed. Well, okay, maybe its a little bit parenting....but like 1/4th parenting, 3/4th personality. MM is just an awsome, laid back kind of girl. That likes to shop. Already. Man I love this kid.

So we ended our day at the ice cream shop where MM picked Chocolate suicide (that's my girl!) and mom and I picked something. And then we realized it was dinner time. So, we had ice cream for dinner.

Shopping, 75 degree weather in January and ice cream for dinner.

Yep. It was a good day.


  1. Sounds like an amazing kind of day! That is totally my idea of fun, and believe me- we have probably stopped at some of the same antique stores on our way to HS! Hope you are having a good visit w/ your mom. Love and prayers, L

  2. Sounds good. I am ready for normal weather though. This hot or always rainy is driving me nuts.

  3. I'm so jealous of your warm weather, especially since it's been in the teens here, and it snows everyday, and I've spent the afternoon huddled under a blanket with my heating pad.

