Sunday, June 9, 2013

Trailer Tales Two: The Blood and Guts Edition

...or, how Girl Scouts comes in handy again.

With Hubs gone on his next rotation, the trailer isn't feeling as cramped. This is a good thing as the snipping and fighting drove me to a meltdown of mammoth proportions that may or may not have resulted in my dropping the F-bomb on my children in the middle of one of their fights...while I was on the phone...and had already tried to get them to stop twice with zero results.

Thank goodness it was my sister on the phone and not a business call. Oy.

Since we will not be closing on the dream house and have to start the hunt all over again in mid July, we also decided we had enough with the occasional wifi. We now have our own Internet and this has appeased the wild animals and resulted in less bickering.

Shut- up and get on the computer. # Things you'd never thought you would hear yourself say to your children.

Cooking is at a minimum. With lack of prep and clean up space it's just not a fun thing to do. Lots of sandwiches and Mac n cheese. # Things you never thought you would feed your children every day. I'm over it.

Our most fun issue with the trailer this week was the bloody one. Songbird got tangled up in one of the dogs lines while trying to enter the trailer with her hands full, and fell on her knee onto the metal steps while in a fully flexed position. Sliced into the joint like butter.

So here is where Girl Scouts come in. Scouts teaches first aide at every level. If you go through scouts for years you have had it several times with more age appropriate training each time. And as a leader I had to have CPR and first aide every two years.

So the three of us handled the crisis very well. Even with the pain, crying and screaming, dogs upset and confusion.

Mouse followed orders quickly and supplied me with the towel to use for pressure on the wound. Songbird knew just how to apply that pressure. And I didn't freak when I saw her kneecap. We had the situation under control, the dogs back in the trailer and everyone back in the car for a trip to the ER in about five minutes time.

Notice the lack of blood! Part is where the cut is located and the other is Songbirds skill in applying pressure. To herself. Way to go kid.

It's a nasty trailer bite but the kneecap was not harmed. The scar will be ugly.

Since my kids are older I didn't think about the steps. I know I would have if they had been smaller. But here's a heads up for those staying in a rv with metal steps- be careful. Fall away from them if possible.

Of course this happened a couple of days after I ended up in Urgent Care after my left lower eyelid, tonsil, ear and neck swelled with an infection. Only the left side. Doctors claim I'm weird. Lol. I'm just happy to have the new insurance that is paying for all this.

So that's it for this edition of trailer tales. It's getting easier in some ways, and harder in others.

No telling what next week brings.
But you know what? Even with an ER visit a month in the trailer is cheaper than a week in a hotel.
Love it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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