Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tears and Heartache, Broken Contracts and the Swine Flu Too!

Not the best couple of weeks.

The school bus issue led to tears and nightmares and drama from that day until the end of the week. We were all ready to pull our hair out on how to deal with Mighty Mouse and her decision that she didn't like school and had decided not to go anymore.

Not that easy kid. And no matter what I told her, she didn't believe that I couldn't just say she was done with school and not send her anymore. Her daddy was ready to throttle her over the boo-hooing and not wanting to go. Big sister couldn't talk her out of it. But I got the best of the worst. I guess she learned a lesson. Mommy can't stop the world so she can get off. Nope. Not possible.

In this same time period we had a offer on the house. Ya'll, it was so bad it would have had us coming to the table with $18k+.

Not just no.....

And I explained to our Realtor that when we dropped the price like they wanted us to we were done. As it is we have to cash out Songbirds college account to come to the table at list price.


Not maybe. For real.

Second offer was made.

Did they not hear me?

Third offer we accepted at $500 off list price. Dont ask where I'm going to come up with the $500...especially when we don't know what the penalty will be for cashing in the fund and how much we will lose of it.

Last minutes of that 10th day (which is actually the 11th and I would win in court thank you very much) they decide they want $1k for repairs.

The important repairs are bogus. REALLY, REALLY bogus. Make up a lie kind of bogus.

So. NO.

Our realtor decides she will offer them $500 of her commission money but that's it.

They say no and start paperwork to terminate.


Their realtor comes back with she will chip in the other $500.

Contract still on.

If I return the updated signature.

Now, I am desperate to sell my house. But I don't want to sign. I actually like my neighbors.

Honest: I think this contract is just a waste of our time. They aren't going to buy. I fully expect they will walk out at the last minute and we will have had our home tied up for over a month with buyers who weren't really buyers. That is the character they have shown us for the last 12 days.

The good news is that I had this gut feeling from day one. So. When it falls through it won't be devastating. It was predictable. And I can come up with the $1k mortgage one month at a time much easier than the $8k+ at one time.

Back to MM: Good news is that MM has returned to school without the tears. The 3 day weekend helped her get rested and she is doing much better. She is even sick with a cold and still not complaining about going to school.


But of course yesterday we had the first confirmed case of Swine flu. And she has all the symptoms except fever, vomiting and diarrhea. So yes, I am waiting for that phone call to come get her.

Because that's how our life rolls.


  1. Oh Autumn, what a giant pain in the butt! Since we've been married, we've sold 8 properties, and every single time there is some glitch or problem. I hate it!

    We have our first confirmed case of swine flu at school too, but so far we've been spared. I fully expect that one or both of the kids will come down with it though. It's only a matter of time.

    I hope MM gets over her aversion to school!

  2. Not all cases of swine flu get the stomach symptoms... I hope that is not what you are dealing with there. It is miserable for sure.
    Glad MM is doing better emotionally. I wondered if the bus incident created carry over issues. Now I know it did. I will keep praying.
    I want to say sorry about the house and congratulate you for going with your gut all at the same time. Can I do both?
    Stop by and wish FigNewTon a happy bday on my blog if you get the chance today.

  3. I wish we lived closer. Because I would totally give you a hug right now. Even though, as a rule, I pretty much loathe the hugging thing.

  4. Autumn, I'm missing you right now. I need your matter-of-factness and "quit thinking so much" and your listening ear...
    but alas, I am glad that MM is better about school and praying she does not get sicker!!
    The good news is, the tamiflu worked very efficiently on knocking out our swine flu at our house and we did not pass it to anyone else! :)
    Still praying for that house to sell! The good news is you've had offers, the bad news is, not good ones- ha! :)
    love you, friend.

  5. I am so miserable for you about the house frustrations. Seriously - that just stinks.
    We have had several cases of Swine Flu down here in GA, but have so far avoided it in our house. My hubby has been pretty miserable since his flu mist though. Why do they always give those the day before a long weekend?
    I hope MM is well by morning, and it was just a false alarm.

  6. What a hard lesson for MM. Some of us adults need to learn that lesson from our Father too. (yes, i'm preaching to myself too...LOL) Its a hard one; esp in scary situation. Praying for her and your family. The right buyers are on their way...
