I know people that when they get bad news they cry and cry...and cry. And some people call everyone they know and pour their hearts out and gather support. Some go on a shopping spree to end all shopping spree's. I've known all of the above. All of the above are just fine if they work for you.
I like to watch old monster movies.
Yep, old monster movies. Come on, you know your news can't be as bad as being chased by giant crabs or flying turtles! See, it could be worse. Plus, you are going to get a laugh out of these films...they are crazy ridiculous. And they require zero brain power to watch...your mind can be a million miles away, and you haven't miss anything...like a plot.
I started watching scary movies when I was little. When my grandmother would come to visit she would even stay up late with me so I could watch Godzilla, or if I was lucky Gamera. Radon sucked.

I loved the crazy ones like these:

Giant spiders, scorpions, bees, ants, leeches and space monsters of all types. Do you know how gross a giant gila monsters tongue looks? Its all black!
And then then I got a little older and started watching these:

Mutant piranha's, mutant bears, mad grizzlies and the biggest shark ever. And the coolest was the wolves with the extra super senses that are living in the city because their habitat has been invaded.
Older still and you get the classics:

Psycho brother that comes out on Halloween. The kid that supposedly drowns at camp while the counselors were fooling around. The big bad nightmare guy. And there is no one scarier than pinhead and his friends.
And then/now its more about the scary movies with good looking guys:

Vampires everywhere. Mummys. Big worms being defeated by the likes of Kevin Bacon. Rennick. And then the nicely cut scientist.
Some of the coolest looking monsters:

But...my all time favorite series of movies:

Now that's some kind of monster.
Sadly, I like very few of the new scary movies. I do not like ones that could be real. No sick people hurting others for a game. It's only fun when its unreal. Hate movies that deal with satan or evil spirits because they are too real. Freddy and Jason are as close as I like to come to reality.
So why did I drag you all through that? Because I really need a monster movie right now...and I don't have one. But this worked out pretty good! Thanks for helping!
I hate horror movies, but my husband loves the old Universal monster movies - we have all of them on DVD. I don't mind watching those with him, because I actually find them funny!
ReplyDeleteI hope your bad news isn't TOO awful...
I hate horror movies, but my husband loves the old Universal monster movies - we have all of them on DVD. I don't mind watching those with him, because I actually find them funny!
ReplyDeleteI hope your bad news isn't TOO awful...