Thursday, July 3, 2008

Autumn asks: Do you need to be more like Martha?

Those in the ladies Bible study I attend will understand the question. We were discussing how there are times we need to be more like Martha, the hard working servant. Kind of backwards from the story where Jesus tells Martha to be more like Mary.

So today would be one of those days for me. I'm miserable bad about keeping up DH standards of house keeping when he's not around. That means a whirlwind of cleaning activity the day before or the day of his return.

And today is the day. So, its time for a prayer to be like Martha and kick out some major activity. DH should be home about 4 pm. (Last night was my last dateless date!)


  1. That's the only way I can get anything done around my house! Praying for God to "help me be just a little more like Martha!" Hope you're having a great 4th weekend with your hubby home!

  2. Thursday was my day to get things under control again too! It's very sad how badly I had let things go. It looks better now, but still not great...

    Hope you had a great 4th!
